I consider myself a very laid back person (why is everyone laughing??) and haven't really worried too much through these first two trimesters. But I was definitely starting to stress out about the fact that I'm more than 23 weeks pregnant and I still couldn't feel the baby move. Yes, I had one experience a couple weeks ago but no repeats and I wasn't even sure that it was really movement.
It got so bad I started trolling the WebMD message boards looking for insights from other frantic posters. But the longest anyone I read went without feeling anything was 20 weeks. Sure, I knew I was dealing with an anterior placenta but the baby had clocked in at over a pound in the last appointment so what was the deal?
I woke up Tuesday morning at 4 AM and lay in bed worrying. I had an appointment in couple of weeks. Should I wait that long? And even then my appointment didn't include an ultrasound and just listening to the heart wasn't going to cut it. I went into work and scarfed down a bagel in 2.5 seconds flat. I started working on email and got absorbed in my work. And that's when she struck! Literally. Starting at 9:15 for about half an hour she was dancing all over the place. And it continued off and on all day and into the night. From the last ultrasound she was head down and most of the movement I've felt has been below the belly button so I'm going to assume she's a puncher and not as much of a kicker. But I'm sure that will change...
I still can't feel the movement through my hand so I assume that will take a few more weeks. But I can't wait for DH to be able to feel it. It's almost 9:15 and I'm starting to feel some movement again. Looks like she's just as habitual as her mother...
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
Don't believe that BS that the kid will have the same schedule as in the womb - so not true. Once I did make them do a heartbeat check when I couldn't feel Baby B for a while. Then I had to just accept that I couldn't feel Baby B - but I was always on pins and needles for each appointment.
Congratulations! It is the best thing in the world to feel the little one. Of course, now that she has danced you will be worried when she isn't dancing. I had an anterior placenta with number 2 and it did make for different 'feelings'. But DS2 was head up during most of my pregnancy and that was horrible! A head in your stomach is not helpful for eating at all.
i feel some movement too but i'm not pregnant, is that wierd? i think i have to go to the bathroom now.
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