It's appropriate that we went to a farm and saw some tame animals while in Hilton Head visiting my parents. Because we have a wild animal on our hands lately! Cameron has entered the stubborn, whining, 5 AM wake up phase. And DH and I were sharing a room with her. At 5 AM on Friday I could hear Cameron saying, "All done, all done" for about 10 minutes. We ignored her and she did fall back asleep but this has been a pattern for the past 4 mornings. Not exactly something I was anticipating for a mini vacation in Hilton Head!
Growing up around a dog it's nice that Cameron has no fear of animals. She did get a little scared of the big horse. That was my fault as I showed her how to hold out her hand for the horse to sniff and it lipped at her hand looking for food. It didn't hurt her or anything but definitely scared her. I made her go back and pet the horse...the whole, "get back on the horse after you fall off" mentality.
We didn't realize that we could bring food with us to the petting zoo. A nice dad gave Cameron some carrots and she had no problem feeding the goats.
There was a tame deer wandering in the corridors that was a big hit with all the kids. We attempted to recreate our family photo shoot from last year but a walking, talking toddler created a far different experience. We still got a few good shots in but there were a lot of deleted photos too.
Cameron loved the splash park area at the hotel. If you stand on the jet for a minute and then step away they would shot really far into the sky.
Besides feeding the animals, another first for Cameron was to get her own frozen drink from the bar pool. A virgin drink, of course, but never to early to start training her up! Right, Mom?
Cameron's shoe obsession continues unchecked. Here she tries on Grampy's shoes.
We didn't spend a lot of time at the beach because Cameron seems to really dislike sand. Especially wet sand.
Every weekend it is the same story. What can we do with Cameron to keep her occupied and wear her out? I've been looking into a few options around Charlotte and stumbled across a place a few miles from our house called Monkey Joe's. It's $5.99 for Cameron, free for me and DH. There are toddler friendly sections. Here are some videos and photos from our trip there on Saturday.
One of the reasons I'm spending time researching cold weather activities is because it is hard to find places that are kid proofed, not too expensive and easy to get to. So for all of my Charlotte readers, if you have any other suggestions for activities/locations, please comment!
It took Cameron a while to figure out how to walk on the bouncy floor but she didn't seem to mind falling down all the time. A good thing because as a toddler, she falls constantly.
My sister told me that I had to hurry up and create a new blog post. Apparently she's sick of seeing the one about my doctor! Her wish is my command....
Cameron has finally moved out of 12 month clothing into 18 month. The pants vary in fit but I've had fun shopping for some new clothes. Her hair is also getting really long. I can now put it back in a pony tail although it often has to be redone throughout the day. That baby fine hair is hard to corral!
Like all toddlers, Cameron has a hard time sitting still. So I haven't gotten many good photos in a while. I try to get her to look at me and she insists on moving toward me. Now I have to be sneaky in how I take photos!
Cameron "helps" me to empty the dishwasher. I give her the task of putting away the Tupperware and she actually knows how to stack them and that the lids go on the top shelf and the containers on the bottom. DH is so proud!A cute new outfit picked out by DH. Yes, I had to help by selecting the coordinating pants but he did a great job finding this shirt at a consignment store. A side view of a decent ponytail. I have no idea how my mom handled doing all 3 of our hair on a daily basis when we were kids! I think I need to learn how to do more interesting things with Cameron's hair. Perhaps when it's a little longer...
I am an English major (well, really Creative Writing) who reformed with an MBA and started working in Technology for BigFinance. Along the way I moved from Boston to Charlotte, got married to a Yankee fan, and joined the world of home ownership. We were joined on 3/24/09 by Cameron Patricia who is rapidly teaching us to become parents. My interests include watching tons of TV (hey, I'm a child of the 80s), reading as many fantasy books as I can, lavishing attention on my super cute dog and husband (aka DH), and the occassional puttering in the garden.