- You give your child Motrin along with breakfast just in case a fever pops up with a cold. You do this because you have meetings scheduled that you can’t miss and your spouse is traveling.
- You let your child eat mini blueberry muffins every single day for 4 weeks just because it’s easier and you need to get out the door on time.
- You have the morning routine so scheduled that a 5 minute delay causes total chaos and seems to result in getting to work 20 minutes late.
- You lay your clothes out the night before so you don’t have to think about what to wear.
- You know that a true vacation day is one where daycare is open but work is closed (Yay for President’s Day!).
- The Blackberry is a critical tool to get out of the office on time.
- You schedule the earliest doctor well visit possible so you can still get to daycare before the cut off and put in an almost full day of work.
- You are firm that evening time is family time and additional work must wait until after your child is in bed.
- You love Fridays because you work from home and don’t have to commute 60+ minutes for that day. Enough time for a good workout!
- You indulge your child’s request for “ABCs” (aka “The Alphabet Song”) 57 times on the commute to daycare because you won’t see her all day.
- You get an incredible feeling when your child shouts, “Mommy!” and runs into your arms for a hug after school.
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
1 week ago
Our school doesn't have a cut off! I think I would die if ours had a cut off and we missed it.
I'm in a foul mood this morning so the only things I can think to add are not nice. Will keep my mouth shut today.
I should make a similar list for SAHMs. For the most part though, I think we have it easier. If you didn't have a job that you enjoyed, it would be really awful to do that whole juggle. That's a big part of the reason I stay some. I really admire women who can "do it all" - I often feel like I'm just getting by as a parent without another job to think about!
My contract job is up in a month, and I am dreading it. I like getting up and taking a shower and getting dressed nicely, and having adult time during the day and having a small amount of time with my child at night (yes, I said it). He is a handful and I am freaked out about planning for him 24-7 again. So freaked out in fact we might continue daycare until a few weeks after Deuce is born. All that being said, I have an awesome job right now with lots of flexibility, so if he keeps me late with a diaper blowout, eh.
We do the blueberry muffins too. I keep swearing I will make some and freeze them ahead. Maybe someday? Other things - frozen pancakes, waffles, toast are our staples. Even on the days I am home... Now that is bad!
Along the lines of Nicole's comment, I was thinking, "every parent is a working parent," including full-time at-home parents... :-)
I completely agree with every one of those! We do the blueberry muffins too! =)
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