Now that Cameron is seven months old I have been reviewing items that can be moved into storage. I say moved rather than sold or given away because I'm not quite ready to put that closed sign on my uterus.
First to get packed up was all my maternity clothes. Yes, I do miss those comfy pants. There is something to be said for waist bands that went over your entire belly, pregnant or not! That was immediately followed by Cameron's infant and 0-3 month clothing. Then I was at a standstill and instead of getting rid of things I found myself adding to them: more clothes, more toys, more bottles, and more furniture masquerading as toys (I'm looking at you, exersaucer!).
After that lull in the 3-6 month range I reevaluated the items still strewn around my house and made executive decisions to pack a few things up that I didn't think Cameron needed any more. First to go? The swing. Ever since I unswaddled Cameron I created a new process of putting her down for naps and bedtime. Nothing fancy but it involved rocking her for a few minutes and putting her down awake in her crib. We primarily used the swing to get Cameron to fall asleep or stay asleep. After three weeks of not using the swing once and glaring at it for taking up so much room in my library I asked DH to take it down and move it to the attic.
The next item to get packed up (although it is still waiting transfer to the attic) is the playmat. Cameron LOVED this toy for the first 5+ months of her life. But once she started rolling she wanted wide open spaces. I removed all the hanging toys and she still plays with those but the playmat has been decommissioned from use.
Also awaiting transfer (but need to clean out a closet first) is the Pack 'N Play. We had it up in the library full time but were only using it for changing Cameron's diapers. Now I just take her upstairs or change her on the floor in the TV. Much easier and removes another bulky item from my library. Next to go will probably be the boppies. I have two of them and they were a requirement while I breastfed Cameron. But now that she is exclusively formula they turned more into brightly colored and patterned cushions. For now we still use them, primarily to prop up Cameron while she is learning to sit up on her own. But once she masters that skill to the attic they will go!
How about the rest of you? What were some of the first things (aside from clothes) you either got rid of or moved into storage? And send good thoughts my's rare to have a basement in Charlotte and I am already feeling the lack!
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
1 week ago
We kept the pack n play up until they were almost 2! Once they can crawl and walk, it is a great place to keep them contained. I started putting the boys in there with toys before they could crawl so they would get used to it. I used it many times to shower or cook dinner or have them happily playing upstairs while I did laundry or other house chores.
We just recently unbabyproofed most of the house. That has been huge.
I ditto Laura - our pack'n'play has been a play pen and a ball pit as of late and my kids LOVE it. Of course, Cameron may be a bit young to use it in that way but once pulling up and crawling starts, you might want to pull it back out again.
as for the rest of the stuff - isn't it freeing to have all that space back?? it's like a new world :)
I would hold onto the boppies too. My kids used them for many things and mainly pillows to lay on and sit in when playing or TV gazing (yes I am that horrible mother now).
I use the boppy all the time to catch him when he falls backwards, doesn't help with face plants but is great for cushioning the head blows. We just packed up the swing and bouncer.
I'm about to get rid of the infant car seat and base, along with the snap n' go stroller... For good! The baby factory is closed around here! Probably next to go will be the swing and the bouncy seat... I will likely sell those.
I'm about to get rid of the infant car seat and base, along with the snap n' go stroller... For good! The baby factory is closed around here! Probably next to go will be the swing and the bouncy seat... I will likely sell those.
First big pieces to be put in storage - the swing, bouncer and vibrating baby seat. We loved all three, but Dominick's on to the next stages. We love the PNP too for just putting him in there to play while I I shower or just need a minute. So looking forward to getting rid of the HUGE exersaucer and jumperoo - we have both in our living room. When do they usually get put away?
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