So many of you asked for pictures after Cameron's hair had dried, who am I to say no? I have to warn you, they look
exactly like the wet ones except for one thing. Cameron let me put a barrette in her hair. Woo hoo! I ran out today and stocked up on them with the hope it will become a regular occurrence.
If you look closely in this picture, you can see the bruise on Cameron's right eye. She got it trying to chase after me when I dropped her off at the gym daycare. What did I do? Kept walking out the door. Hey, I had a spinning class to make!

I took Cameron to the gym again today and as we were walking through the halls to the car she got so many compliments on her little exercise outfit. It's never too early to start good habits! Maybe Cameron will be more athletic than me and DH. Or at least look like she is.

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