Monday, January 31, 2011

My pacifier addiction

I will admit it. I am a pacifier addict. My daughter is 22 months old and I am very happy that she still has her pacifier.
A lot of the topics on my birth boards recently involves breaking the pacifier habit or starting potty training. Those are two things that I plan on waiting substantially longer to tackle. In fact, for potty training I just plan on letting daycare take the lead, but that's a whole other post.

In terms of the pacifier DH and I actively encouraged Cameron's obsession when she was an infant. In fact, we only unswaddled Cameron and did cry it out (CIO) at around 6 months because she started waking herself up at night needed the soothing pacifier.

Both DH and I were finger suckers until far too old to admit. So that is one plus to having Cameron still addicted to the pacifier. It's a lot easier to break the pacifier habit than the finger sucking one. But that is really just an excuse. The real reason I like the pacifier is the peace and quiet it gives us.
We only let Cameron have the pacifier in her crib or the car. Or if she is struck down simultaneously with strep and hand/foot/mouth disease she gets it whenever the hell she wants. But having the pacifier in the crib gives us an extra half hour in the morning of peace. Or a longish car ride is passed listening to music rather than the whinings of a toddler.

So that's my dirty little secret: I am a mom who fully supports the pacifier and doesn't plan to take it away until I have to (aka am mommy guilted into it). What's your dirty parenting secret?


Mommy, Esq. said...

Turning 2 is a perfect time to get rid of it though. We never looked back and it was so much less painful then I thought it would be. Most moms who wait until 3 have reported that NAPS DISAPPEAR. So I am a fan of 2 - past the finger sucking age and we were still able to keep the nap. Do it now or risk losing the nap!

LauraC said...

My secret = microwave mac & cheese. Not just boxed mac & cheese, which is lazy, but microwave mac & cheese!

Because Jon travels a lot. And I don't need to be supermom.

(Strep lives a long time and you can reinfect yourself and get strep infections elsewhere, so boil those pacis!)

A. said...

My dirty little secret is that we are TERRIBLE about changing Lucy's crib sheet. Like, every 3 months terrible, unless she manages to puke in bed.

I'm considering pulling the trigger on ditching the paci for Lucy soon. But she only uses it at night and weekend naps (no paci during naps at school). I think I'm going to miss a window of opportunity if I don't do it now.

Husband said...

I am trying to think of my dirty little parenting secret - I let my kids go out dressed weird if they insisted on picking out their own clothes. And I let them watch TV. Do these things count?

SkinnyMeg said...

Mine is lollipops in the store :) Not just one, but like 4 just so I can shop in piece!!

Amanda said...

Not sure what my secret is except maybe t.v. it usually solves the biggest tantrums in our house. Thank you to Bob the Builder and Thomas the train.

Drew said...

Wow - Mommy, Esq - the threat of naps disappearing is threat enough for me to reconsider Joel Andrew's pacifier addiction! We got it down to just in the crib, which is quite successful I think when he came off of a series of grandparent visits (both sides) of lots of bink (what we call it), and plane ride to Orlando, etc. He even puts it away every morning or when he gets out for naps. But, with Deuce's imminent arrival, I am thinking I might have to nix it sooner rather than later. Other things though I will continue to do for a long time, or until after I have Deuce sleep trained - sleep sack (they make that for college kids, right?), crib - we are not rushing Joel Andrew out, so he mine as well stay in it for a few more months; and, potty training will also not be considered by us until at least 2-1/2. Bad, parent...

Glucosamine said...

cute baby