Today you are eight months old. This past month has been wonderful for all of us. You are such a happy baby that it is a pleasure to be around you. We look forward to the precious hours in the evening when we can cuddle and play.

Your two bottom teeth are being joined by the top two. It was a lot harder this time around with interrupted sleep and crying but they have finally popped through. You love your solid food and will sit happily in your high chair munching on puffs while Mommy and Daddy get dinner ready. Your success rate at getting the food into your mouth is increasing every day. I don't think Charlie likes that because it means less snacks for him!
I love that last picture! Isn't it amazing how much they grow & change in such a short time. The food thing alone puts me in awe.
I love it when Ned and Penny scrunch up their faces like that! Are you coming for Christmas? N&P will be upset not to see Charlie - and Cameron of course. And maybe Auntie Stacey. :)
That last picture is too cute!
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