DVR is ruining my TV watching ability. I have 5 episodes of Fringe and 2 of Grey's Anatomy still to watch. But I have managed to stay up with a bunch of new shows and also some returning ones (Thank you, Hulu! Curses to all the networks who won't air their episodes on it!). So here are my thoughts about returning and new TV shows now that we are in the midst of November sweeps.
In terms of Grey's Anatomy, DH and I had an epiphany about why it's been so hard to watch the episodes. After Mercy merged with Seattle Grace and we were introduced to the new characters I turned to DH and said, "All of these new characters are assholes." His response, "All of the characters are assholes now." And that hit the nail on the head. Why do we want to watch these people when they are so self absorbed and mean to each other? If I wanted to do that I'd watch Private Practice. Tee hee hee hee. Fortunately we just watched the Derrick-gets-his-mojo-back episode and it was probably one of the best episodes in a very long time, including last season. So I have hope again although I don't miss Izzy at all so I'm not looking forward to her return.
Modern Family has consistently been one of the best shows we now watch. There are tons of laugh-out-loud moments and the gay couple is totally disfunctionally awesome. If you don't watch it yet you should add it to your DVR list. Other good comedies that I've been able to keep up with via Hulu are Community, 30 Rock and Cougar Town. Yes, I did say Cougar Town. I know, I'm just as surprised as you! Creatively 30 Rock is a bit down for me this season. I feel like they are really stretching with some of the over the top jokes. Best line of last week though was Kenneth: "That's about as useful as a mom's college degree." Awesome.
Glee continues to perform well with the musical numbers and the amazing Jane Lynch. The biggest problem for me is the Quinn pregnancy storyline. And I hate, hate that Will's wife is going to take the baby (supposedly). It just doesn't work for me. I'd prefer the show if it was focused more on general teen problems and didn't go so early to the teen pregnancy.
FlashForward is definitely one of the better serial dramas. Not sure I buy into the premise that they can change their future but I guess it will be born out over the season. They just need to keep up their momentum. This past week's episode was a little weak for me. DH and I have been taping V but we are waiting to watch it when his parents come to visit. Apparently his mom was a fan of the original. So, no review of that show from me although I'm hearing that it will be yanked after 5 episodes not to return until after the Winter Olympics. Not a good sign.
House has really lost it's mojo for me. I still like Dr. House but I hate the Cameron/Chase storyline. Who knew I'd be on board with the new team after I bitched so much when they broke up the band? I guess the suckittude that is Chase and Cameron made me change my mind. I never thought I'd say this but, "Come back, Thirteen!"
I started watching White Collar on Hulu when I was bored one day. It's pretty cute and I am happy that Tiffany Thiessen is working again. And the main character is very, very good looking. I showed him to DH yesterday while he was watching football. "That guy is annoyingly handsome," he told me. And oh so yummy to look at.
The Good Wife has settled in to a nice groove. Not much movement on the larger, overarching storyline but I'm OK with that. The characters are pretty well drawn and it's nice to have another female driven drama on the air. But one that isn't too slap-stick (yes, Desperate Housewives, I'm looking at you!).
How about the rest of you? Any shows you are watching that have taken a downturn in creativity? Any new shows that I should be adding to my list?
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
1 week ago
Dollhouse has been getting very good, but M. just read that it's been cancelled. Sigh. I guess that frees up some of my tv-watching time.
Cougar Town? Seriously? Cannot stand that show.
I have 4 (or is it 5 now?) episodes of Grey's Anatomy to catch up on. Many of the characters are irritating, but I still like it. The backlog is because M. won't let me watch it while he's around. I need to sneak it in when he's away on a business trip.
I don't know if you have heard but they are talking about charging for Hulu starting in 2010. We love Modern family, very hilarious. I haven't given Glee a try yet but have heard everyone rant and rave about it. I'm just not sure I want to add another show to my dvr list...
You watch a lot of the same shows that I do.
I didn't miss Izzy when she was gone either. Or Meredith, for that matter.
Did you know that the guy on White Collar graduated CMU in 2000? I feel like I should remember someone who looks like that being around campus!
The Good Wife! Love it. Also, TAT is pregnant...
Favorites this season and the only shows I am watching - White Collar, Flashforward and Heroes. The last I am kind of still holding onto the weak hope that it will eventually get good again. My favorite has to be White Collar and simply for the eye candy!!
Community is the best new comedy in my opinion. Although the one Modern Family I saw was good as well. I'm iffy on Flash Forward but V looks very promising. You should enjoy it.
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