Cameron has her first case of pink eye. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping we could have avoided this milestone for many more years. DH is bringing her to the doctor this morning and he'll be on baby duty until I get home tonight. I think this is the first time he's had her alone for an entire day (vs. in the mornings and evenings when I'm traveling) so please wish him luck. I'm more concerned about having to put drops in Cameron's eyes. This is a baby who refused to take sugary sweet Tylenol or Motrin. I can't imagine how bad it will be to keep her eye pried open while squeezing drops into it. Fun times, I'm sure.
Probably the worst part? I didn't know Cameron had pink eye so we went to Holden's birthday party and interact with 3 other babies. Sorry, moms! I did the responsible thing and emailed them and I hope that there wasn't too much cross-contamination of germs. Update: Cameron looked fine this morning except for a scratch underneath her eye. So we dropped her off at daycare per usual with the hope that we don't get the dreaded pick up call.
We're slowly introducing milk in Cameron's bottles. 2 ounces milk, 4 of formula. After a week I'll go to 50%, and so on. She should be close to 100% whole milk by the time we go for her 12 month well appointment. In other fun eating news, Cameron is now refusing to eat anything that is jarred food related (yogurt is out, for example). It looks like the 8-10 jars we have left are going to get donated. We'll also probably end up with at least 1/2 of a tub of formula too. I hate throwing out that's so expensive.
Standing...always standing. That is Cameron's new mantra. Cuddling with mommy? No way. And let's not forget - she can do it by herself. No help necessary or wanted. It has resulted in quite a few head bumps and bruises but that's why they make skulls so hard, right? Last night was the first where Cameron decided she wanted to stand in the tub while taking a bath. Aside from some initial nervousness about slipping and whacking her head I actually kind of preferred it. It was so much easier to soap her up in all the right spots. Bath toys have become a must and the little squirters are the best.
Finger nail clipping has become a pain in the ass. Cameron has a couple of scratches on her face because it's a battle for me to clip even one nail at a time. I miss those days of clipping away while she was breastfeeding. Does anyone have any advice on how to make the nail clipping process a little easier?
Another challenge for us is hair. Cameron has the mullet going but because her back hair is curly you can't tell. But I'm more concerned about the hair falling down into her eyes. Daycare sent her home with a Pebbles ponytail (with a rubber band!) and I took it as a message. The only problem is that I can't find good hair fasteners that will stay put and not interfere with napping or be a choking hazard for the other kids when it eventually falls out. I'm adamant about not cutting her hair. Not because I want to be like Celine Dion or Kate Hudson but more because once you start cutting bangs you either need to keep doing it or deal with the pain of growing it out later. Goddess In Progress wrote about this in January and I'm hoping once Cameron's hair gets longer things will be easier. Anyone else have advice?
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
Dominick and Cameron have the same exact birthday and A LOT of the same fun, uh, challenges...
I have been successful at nail trimming by strapping him into the highchair, removing the tray and playing "this little piggy" He sits nice and still for one through four, then gets antsy at five and cracks up when the piggy goes all the way home.
I'd like to start introducing milk but my doc did not mention a game plan at our 9 month check up. We'll wait until the end of this month... is it better to go half and half or cold turkey?
I forgot to mention Dominick too has a mullet. His father has been bugging me to get it cut for months. But I just can't do it. When little boys get their hair cut, they don't look like babies anymore... my heart is breaking at the mere thought!
Cameron and Dominick can rock the mullet for a while.
We're doing a gradual introduction of milk/formula. My sister rightly noted that it will take them time to learn how to digest it properly. Plus the taste is very different so taking it in stages should help with the transition. I'll try cutting Cameron's nails in her high chair...although she just assumes she is getting Cheerios when she is strapped in :-)
I have no advice on the nail clipping. My kids are 7 and 2 and it's still a battle to do it. I try to sing songs while I'm clipping and that helps calm them sometimes.
Pictures, more pictures, PLEASE! :). . . love, Mimi
Don't throw out the formula it is still an easier option than cold milk when your out and about for now. we suspect we won't buy anymore but we will use up what we have during day trips.
first of all, it is my expert opinion that the reason Cameron has pink eye is because YOU watch way too much Amerian Idol and you spend way too much time blogging about it. As for the finger nails, teeth work the best - yours not hers
I didn't throw out my formula ... I continued to do 1/3 formula and 2/3 milk until the formula was gone ... I thought the kids needed all the extra nutrition they could get with the transition.
On the fingernail front ... I used an emory board when this started to happen ... I knicked a finger with the clippers and felt so awful that I immediately switched and it worked great for me.
And, the pink eye ... my daughter picked up that at one of those bouncing places and it spread to the whole family before we even knew it ... getting the drops in all three kids' eyes was a lot like wrestling jello :) ... luckily it was over quickly.
Have a good day ....
Your just starting to have a fingernail problem now? Oh boy, what am I in for?
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