I figure I'll be locked up in the house pretty much the whole time during maternity leave. Yes, I'll have the occasional trips out but I won't be able to pop in the car and go get a mani/pedi like the pre-baby days. DH will be working for most of the leave (he only gets 2 weeks paid paternity) upstairs. In order to keep from bugging him, I need to keep myself busy. Before you all laugh at me, yes, I know that the bulk of my time will be spent with the baby but not every minute can be devoted to her, can it? CAN IT????
Assuming I have some down time, I plan on going through digital photos and cleaning them up. I have decided to drop Snapfish and start using Flickr instead. If you have a strong opinion on another photo service, let me know.
I also plan on watching TV. As I say in my profile I am a child of the 80s and love TV. Plus I can more easily multi task with the TV on than a book in hand. I am not a movie person so I plan on signing up for NetFlix for their TV show DVDs. Mommy, Esq. got me Arrested Development the Christmas before last and I have yet to tackle it so that's on the list. Perhaps when she's out visiting me and the baby (and DH of course!) we'll pop a few of them in.
What other shows should I add to my NetFlix queue? Please keep in mind that I absolutely hate uncomfortable situational humor. So I will never watch The Office. I don't care how good it is.
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
1 week ago
It is a show you truly need to watch from the beginning. I watched it on bed rest and it was so good we would watch 4 or 5 episodes in a row. And I've never found a person who watched the first season and then dropped it.
You will not be working on old photos. You will be taking lots of new ones and uploading them to your blog. You'll be too distracted for a TV series - instead rely on Soap Net - I watched a few seasons of Melrose Place and 90210 while breastfeeding.
I agree with Mommy Esq. You won't be fixing photos. You will probably be watching loads of TV. But, you won't have a brain in your head to actually pay attention to them. I watched lots of Soapnet and talk shows. It made me infinitely happy that I did in fact know who my baby's daddy was. And believe it or not, I read a lot while breastfeeding. No magazines - they're too difficult to hold. But mass market paper backs are perfect. Simple and small.
Do you watch 30 Rock? If not, I recommend that one for the netflix queue. So funny.
Later on in your maternity leave, when you're feeling a bit more comfortable, don't forget that you can get outside and work in your yard. Most monitors have a decent range for that kind of thing, and sunshine would probably help you feel good.
By the way, is it weird that the word verification word it is making me type in right now is "sistre"? Freaky.
Lost is the number one seed if you haven't seen it. I hear so many good things about the Wire and if I was stuck in bed in a hospital or something, I would totally start with season one of that.
30 Days is also a good show if you like documentaries.
I recently watched the entire season of My So Called Life - it definitely stands up to viewing 10 years later! It's out on DVD, don't know if it's on Netflix.
I am very jealous of being able to watch TV as much as you like! TV rocks.
Mad Men, West Wing, 30 Rock, Lost...
After the first 4 weeks or so you will not be glued to the baby 24/7 (maybe only 22/7). I was able to paint our porch, garden, organize some photos (not all - that is a job for retirement). I don't have much to add for TV. My tastes run toward sci-fi (Stargate, Heroes), not sure you like that at all.
I've really enjoyed Walgreen for pictures. . .you can upload whatever you want, set up an account, and pick them up in a half hour. . .very reasonable, easy and accessible. . .I also agree with Krissie's comment. Love you. . .did you know March 24th is also Uncle Tom's birthday? Lots of love. . .Mimi
I forgot Friday Night Lights! Great show...I love me some Tim Riggins! Best part is that Jeremy will enjoy it too.
mad men, 30 rock, alias start to finish, how i met your mother seasons 1-3, gilmore girls, and all the house seasons are on dvd too, so many choices! if only i could join you,.
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