Is it any wonder that I didn't go with DH to drop Cameron off at daycare on Friday? I wanted to because she appeared to be about 50/50 during the week with how well she was napping. One day she would get a hour and then hour and a half in and the next it would be a total of 40 minutes. But my precious sleep was just too important. So I took the expeditious route of calling during the day and talking with her teacher. It sounds like they have being good about putting her down for naps now and not just letting her fall asleep. Phew. One less worry.

My parents stopped by for two nights on their way to Hilton Head. My mom and I managed to squeeze in manicures and a lunch out while the men folk watched Cameron. Pure bliss. DH managed to watch about 16 hours of sports on Saturday including the marathon 5+ hour Yankee game. My mom brought some old clothes of mine with her (I'm talking OLD like when I was 5 or 6 years old) ostentatiously for Cameron when she gets older. Um, first of all, that assumes I'll remember it's there in time to pull it out. Not to mention that a few of the things didn't exactly age well...She also brought two big boxes of books with her. Normally I'm very excited about when my mother decides to part with some of her books. But this time she managed to dump a few on me that I didn't really want. So now I have to get up the motivation to get rid of them. Thanks, Mom!
Cameron loves to grab for anything that we have in our hands.
Aside from those items the grandparents brought my sister's old jumperoo with them. Needless to say, Cameron loves it. But now I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with "stuff." I want to keep it in our family room because that is where we spend the most of our time but it's far from a large room. Between the jumperoo and exersaucer I'm starting to feel like toys are taking over the house. But we did finally pack up the swing so that removed one bulky item. DH asked me if I wanted to put it on Craig's List. Excuse me?!? That assumes I'm done having kids and I'm not prepared to let that go yet. Check back with me tomorrow when Cameron has another tough night because of teething and another (another!!!) cold. Then I might be ready to put a closed sign on my uterus.
Perhaps this teething cookie will help. Of course it also got all over her but hey, at least it kept her quiet!
She seems to like Ringo (the weird red hippo) - I hope it is on the "return" list! :)
My Mom brought a ton of stuff a few weeks ago. Including my old tap shoes. What is LJ going to do with my old tap shoes? I guess it is a mom thing, I mean I am doing it in a way too by saving all of his onesies... I hope I can bring them to him when he has a child! As for the toy clutter, I am mentally getting ready for this now. I am thinking of all the furniture to sell on Craig's list to make room... Oh boy...
I am dreading when A. bring back my swing. What the heck am I going to do with that? The excersaucer, jumperoo and bouncey chairs are driving me nutso!
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