On Saturday Cameron's friend, Holden and his mom (and my friend)
Amanda, came over to enjoy the balmy weather we have been having. It was great for us to catch up and the kids were so much more interactive than they were in their first
play date.
Cameron was definitely the instigator in a few minor tussles that we had to break up. Fortunately Holden is a sweetie so he only cried once.
Holden also ate a lot of sand and got very messy. Amanda complained that he was all boy and somehow Cameron emerged from the play date largely unscathed. I attribute that cleanliness to the fact that she has played with water and sand for a few weeks now but it was Holden's first experience.
Of course they got bored with the actual toy and decided to play with the lids instead. Isn't that always the way with toddlers?
They had a great time. I went back to your post of the first playdate, they were so tiny then. Playing with your sand/water table got us to get his water table out. Look for the post later today/tomorrow. And more pictures :)
Ah, makes me miss having two toddlers in my backyard!
Aww, so sweet.
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