Did you all hear about the octuplets born in California yesterday? Now, as a multiple myself, I can't really judge the family but let me try anyway. It is extremely unlikely that fertility treatments were not involved in this situation. By continuing with a pregnancy that has 8 fetuses (yes, one was a surprise but even 7 is very dangerous), the family has guaranteed that one or more of the children will have serious health issues over most of their lives. Weights ranged from 1 pound 8 ounces up to 3 pounds 4 ounces. I have to wonder at the quality of life for those children. However, with that said, I do love to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 (twins and sextuplets) and think that their family is functional, loving and healthy. So who knows?
President Obama is in the process of redefining democracy in America. He built a huge database of voters when campaigning for president and plans to leverage that as he rolls out his initiatives. Needless to say, the Senate and House have come out against this as they don't want phone calls, emails and letters from their constituents over the next 4+ years. But I believe as the Internet has proliferated America, it has changed the way we consume information. I am a much better informed voter today than even 5 years ago thanks to real time news dissemination. So why not weigh in on more of the legislation that is being proposed? Does this mean our future could result in direct voting on issues rather than a representative government? Depends on whether we can employ real time voting or if people have the desire to be that involved in government at all levels.
Layoffs, layoffs and more layoffs. Like many of you, the last "recession" I lived through was during the Internet bubble collapse in 2000 and 2001. But at the time I was living in Boston with two roommates, had a decent job at SmallResearch and was close to family. So basically I didn't have any of the pressures I have now being pregnant, a home owner and major income contributor. I feel as though I add significant value to BigFinance with the work I perform but I am nowhere close to the level needed to understand what hiring/firing decisions are being made. This is definitely a scary time. I just have to keep reminding myself that our parents lived through quite a few of these cycles and everything worked out.
I am still inspired by the heroic actions of Captain "Sully" Sullenberger to put Flight 1549 down in the Hudson safely. I have devoured every piece of news on him and the situation. Usually when I first hear "heroic" news, I am immediately suspicious. How altruistic really were the actions? I think I watch too much TV with its twists and turns. It has warped my brain. But I never felt that way about Flight 1549. I understand why Sully couldn't talk to the press immediately after the accident (regulations and all) but I never felt like he would be anything other than a hero. What would really turn my stomach is if the passengers come out as money grubbing a**holes. It was an accident, and fortunately not a tragic one. It's not like they ended up on a remote island for 180 days and escaped death and destruction. Wait, wrong show...
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
Ha! I too was suspicious about the plane - that somehow it would turn out the pilot did it on purpose. I hope the passengers don't sue - so sick of how litigious everyone is.
I also have very strong thoughts on fertility treatments with huge # multiples - both as a multiple and a mom of multiple (who did dabble in some clomid). Kate Gosselin had Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome and KNEW shew would produce a ridiculous amount of eggs but she and her husband did interuterine insemination anyway (not clear why a doctor would do it). I love the show too but feel it isn't fair to your kids to do that to yourself (and to them) when you know it is such a risk. Most women who carry that many kids know that it is a risk (it's not like a doctor implants 8 embryos during IVF) so it is a selfish choice on their part. I'm not against infertility treatments (obviously) but I think you need to be careful.
P.S. Yahoo news article says she plans to breastfeed them all. Ha. Ha. Ha. Yeah, right - I don't think a woman can physically do that - produce enough and have enough hours in the day to feed them all.
I was suspicious as well! I am suspicious about everything. I think it all goes back to seeing that movie Wag the Dog. Remember when the Iraqis took down that statue of Saddam Hussein several years ago? I am fully convinced that was staged (so our govt could show what "liberators" the US is), and perhaps even took place on a movie set. I have no proof of this, but I still believe it.
Jon and I got laid off on the same day during the internet bubble collapse as it hit all of technology. I'm SO glad it happened before kids, before mortgage, before real responsibilities. We did learn a valuable lesson to never work at the same company again.
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