I very happy it is Friday, if for no other reason then I won't have to juggle both work and Cameron over the weekend. These past 3 days have been stressful and chaotic for DH and me. We got a call on Wednesday at 11 AM that Cameron had a 102 degree fever. DH went over to pick her up and I packed up my computer to head home.
Like every other daycare out there we knew that Cameron would be home on Thursday at least before she could go back to school. What we didn't realize is she picked up a virus that has kept her fever going, clocking in at 101 this morning. For 2 1/2 work days DH and I have had to figure out our schedules, pray for long naps and try to avoid feeling completely overwhelmed. We're fortunate that we can both work at home but we also need to negotiate conference call conflicts. We are both in a very busy work period with little down time, even when Cameron is healthy and in daycare. I've been clocking longer hours in general and the only blessing that Cameron got sick this week is that one of my key contacts (read PITA, ridiculous expectations client) is out on vacation.
I'm very thankful that we have been able to juggle but it is definitely time for us to look into alternative childcare situations for when Cameron is home sick. The best scenario is for one of the two of us to just take the day off of work so we can devote full time care to her. Unfortunately if things continue at this hectic pace, it's just not possible. Another sticking point is that DH works from home so if we bring someone into our home it would be an added stress for him. I couldn't do it if I worked from home. I'd be constantly checking on things and unable to concentrate. I think that men are better able to compartmentalize, however.
I am also going to be very thankful when we can drop Cameron off at daycare and our lives return to normal. She is definitely still her happy, playful self. Just with a fever. And very long (2-3 hour) naps. On a good note I called her pediatrician yesterday at 11:50 and we were seen by her regular doctor at 12:15. How great is that? No ear infection, just a bug and the fourth kid that day they saw with the same symptoms. Nothing but a fever and a slight runny nose.
How do the rest of you handle juggling work with a sick kid? Do you have back up childcare? Is it normally Mom or Dad who has to sacrifice work for family?
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
That's why I love having a nanny, it's okay when the kids are sick but then we have to scramble if she is sick. We trade off depending on schedule and we have "parents in a pinch" or my work back-up daycare if we need to use them. I prefer it to be me because I feel like I'm the mom and it should be me!
New Moms of South Charlotte has a babysitting Co-op. You might look into that. Or interview a few college students to be your back up. I love the idea of sending my child to play with a group of children 4 days per week, but then having just one on one time with somebody that last day. Then that person can be your emergency go to as well! Hope she feels better soon!
We've just had to suck it up or take vacation days. Basically the first two years with two newborns in day care sucked ass. Lots of working at night. Lots of juggling.
Jon did get separate sick time BUT he was never home to use it. So that was awesome. If both kids were home sick, I used vacation days.
Believe me, it does pay off. I am waiting until April 30 to post this on my blog but we have had only ONE DAY of a kid home in an entire year. That illness came from a bouncy house, not day care. I say they've already caught everything they could possibly catch at school.
It's usually me home with our DS. We've been lucky, I guess, with only two ear infections this whole time. The croup he had recently set me back two sick days. I was just thinking that before I had him, I hoarded my sick days. In fact, I used about twenty of them for my maternity leave!
The grandparents always offer to help out, if I were unable to stay home. It's rare, but sometimes my work calls for me to be here weird hours for special events. Then, I utilize them. My DH works nights and on commission, so I'd rather he NOT be the one taking off.
Sorry your LO's not feeling so hot!!
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