Yesterday Cameron's daycare was closed until 9 AM. I am still flabbergasted that a minor ice storm (aka wintery mix) on Friday night resulted in a complete shut down until today. At least I was able to get Cameron to daycare at a reasonable hour and could chug through the rest of my work day. Many other parents weren't so lucky. Question for my readers, how do you decide who stays home with your kid(s) when they are sick or daycare is closed and you both have to work? DH and I have been trading off depending on work schedules. But we both hope it is a rare occurrence in general.
My friends know how much I love a "meet cute" movie which is why Lifetime is such a good movie channel for me. DH makes fun of me constantly for it. Usually I don't tape the Danielle Steel or other crime/romance stories but I love, love, love the contrived work/romance situations. The required ingredients include: couple meets cute, series of misunderstandings, multiple montage scenes, some kind of big speech, and happily ever after epilogue scene. If I'm really lucky then it also includes a dance scene. Movies that fall into this category include: 13 Going on 30, The Cutting Edge, Enchanted, etc. So I was thrilled to come across a commercial for Lying To Be Perfect. Before you ask, I only see these commercials during Project Runway or re-runs of How I Met Your Mother. If you like cheesy movies as much as me I recommend you add it to your DVR list. Totally cute!
I'm about halfway through a great book about kids and eating that Laura recommended: Child of Mine. It's already helped re-adjust my mindset about feeding Cameron. The biggest takeaway for me? Cameron is responsible for eating. Yup. Seems like common sense, right? But between breastfeeding, pumping, bottles and all the rest I ended up in a bad place thinking that I needed to be able to control how much and when she eats. Now I know better. So thanks to Laura for her recommendation!
I recently opened a savings account with BigFinance. DH and I already had a checking account but because of a few special offers and other considerations (despite a piss poor interest rate) I decided to open a savings account too. When I set it up online I didn't have DH's social security number handy so I opened it by myself and planned to add him later. The catch? I can't just add him online or through the phone. Nope, they have to mail me a form that we sign and send back and about two weeks later he can see the savings account information online. I'm also annoyed because they sent me a separate ATM card. Um, why can't it be linked to my current checking account? So I have to carve out some time to call and figure it all out.
In good bureaucracy news I receive my new passport. I think it took about 3 weeks total between mailing the completed form and receiving my new and old one back. So I have to give it up to the US State Department. Good job guys! Now if I have to flee the country I don't have to file for an expedite. Question: have any of you gotten passports for your kids? How does that work? I assume exactly the same way but it expires faster?
Enough randomness for the day...I'm off to go wrangle BigFinance. Wish me luck!
Hey, It's Okay: Going To Paris Edition
1 week ago
Juggling who stays home is pretty tough for us. If we can get them in I have to schlep them to my on-site backup daycare. It is super inconvenient though since I have to get them out of the house, bring them lunch, pick them up by 5:15 pm (so we can get home for dinner). Sometimes we see if my mom can do it and other times we use my husband's back up care which sends someone to our house. Fortunately our nanny has only been sick a few times - and once was with her eye injury for a few days so we came up with a multiday plan.
well since I have been home with a sick kid and a closed daycare yesterday I do the bulk of the staying home. But I can try and get some billable hours in during nap time and after Jeremy gets home, he doesn't have as flexible of a schedule.
You can call and have your savings account linked to your checking ATM card I just did it. But I'm irritated that they told you that you could mail in adding DH to the account, I have been wanting to add Jeremy to my personal checking and they keep telling us we have to go into a branch to do it. However, with his SSN I could open a joint checking account online with not much information. Kind of scary if you think about it.
I love your movie genre description. French Kiss, Sabrina (both old and new), Roman Holiday and the new Thomas Crown Affair are my top fav movies of all time, I highly rec if you haven't seen any of those yet, though I am sure you must have! Good question about the passports, I am interested. I should get that book too!
We did get a passport for our daughter when she was 6 months old, because we planned a trip to the Caribbean where a passport is now necessary. The process is much the same as getting one for yourself. You can download the forms online, fill them out, and take her to the passport office (you can check about picture-taking; when we did it, they took her picture there, and it is digitally imposed on the passport--so, no need to bring a specific size photo, etc.). The only catch is that both parents MUST be present to sign the form in front of a witness. This can be problematic if the office is only open during business hours (luckily, the post office where we did it had Saturday a.m. hours). Overall, the process was very easy and we had her passport in hand a few weeks later. I believe it expires in 5 years. Hope that helps!
I'm glad you're feeling better about the eating thing. Once they're toddlers it just gets much worse - toddlers will survive for days on nothing but grapes and crackers I swear! My thing was naps - I went crazy over when and how long he napped.
We got Brady's passport when he was 7 months. We went to Bermuda and needed it. It's funny because his picture was taken at 7 months and that will be his picture until he's 5! It's adorable though!
Glad you liked the book! Her books helped me let go!
We shuffle who stays home with the kids. Generally it is Jon since his sick time is separate from vacation time but he's often traveling.
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