For almost a month now I have been using a hospital grade rental breast pump. Specifically the Medela Symphony 2.0 breast pump. And it has been wonderful. I only pump 3 times a day but will be pumping more when I return to work. Which, by the way, is creeping up far too quickly! It takes me about 15 minutes (really 10 but I try to eek out more) to pump 3-5 ounces depending on how much she feeds beforehand.
The rental is about $70 a month so it doesn't make economic sense for me to keep it since I plan to breastfeed for a year. With that in mind I have decided to purchase a breast pump of my own. The one recommended by my hospital is the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump. I like that it has two distinct modes, let-down and expression, because that is what the Symphony does as well. I heard it is noisier than the Symphony but hopefully it isn't that much louder.
Before I run out and spend almost $300, I was wondering if I should be considering any other breast pumps? Keep in mind that I have been spoiled by a hospital grade pump so far so I will be very picky!
One other issue I will comment on in this breastfeeding post is that I am still using a nipple shield. Yes, it is my crutch and I just can't let it go! Cameron has a bad habit of tucking her bottom lip in while feeding which doesn't allow for a very good latch without the shield. I can nurse her for a couple of minutes without it and then we both get frustrated and on the shield goes. Any advice from other breastfeeding moms who have encountered this? Is waiting until she's a bit older a bad thing?
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
I worried quite a bit about "breaking" Ned of the shield. Frankly we just stopped using it around 12 weeks - I'd try some without from time to time but it really seemed like he got it at 12 weeks. She's bigger so it may happen faster. I also found that the times they were the hungriest (middle of the night; first thing in the AM) were good times to try without the shield. I really liked the hospital grade pump but I'll ask my friends what they think of Madela pump and style.
P.S. 2-3 cans of powdered formula = one month breast pump. Just to put it in perspective.
My advice on the pump- keep the symphony! It was the best thing I did to up my supply. It is quieter, softer on the nipples and better by a long shot than the pump in style advance. A note about pumping, when not feeding pump for at least 30 minutes. This will increase your output and you should have multiple letdowns!
I have an Ameda Purely Yours, so no thoughts on the Medela. (I like the Ameda just fine...)
As for the lower lip tucking, this might be a dumb question, but have you tried just gently flipping it back out while she's latched on? I sometimes had to do that with either top or bottom lip with my kiddos.
If you do buy the Pump in Style Advanced (it's what I have), get it at You can buy it for around $225 (with free shipping), if I remember correctly. They also sell Ameda pumps. You have to have the price list e-mailed to you (some funky rules Medela has insisted on with pump distributors), but the pricing is great and the company is reliable.
I second what Lori said about just flipping Cami's bottom lip out once she latches on - I used to do that with Finn. You'll get there, just keep trying without the shield, don't expect success overnight, and she'll eventually get used to it. Go back and forth while she's still learning.
I have the Pump-In-Style and I really love it. I started with the hospital grade one (used it for 4-5 weeks) and did not see a change in my supply when I switched to the Pump-In-Style. But I have been told that I have a very big supply so I'm not sure how much of it is personal and how much is pump...
I have been using Medela freestyle breast pump from last one year, it's really one the bests I have tried! I will definitely stick to this one and will also recommend it.
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