I am here to tell you that Mommy Ears are not a myth. In fact, they could be a super power. I find myself waking up at 12 AM or 1 AM and wondering why I'm awake. Turns out I hear a small stirring sound from Cameron and it's like a marching band in my ear. I jerk awake and lie there for a couple of minutes waiting to see if she needs a pacifier or is falling back to sleep on her own. I even keep the monitor over on DH's side of the bed so I supposedly can't hear as much. Yeah right.
Normally I am a light sleeper but being a mother has taken it to a whole new level. Funny thing is I also find myself waking up even when Cameron doesn't stir. She is usually up around 3 AM for a feeding and if she isn't then I find myself wide awake, staring at the clock and wondering if she is going to sleep all night. And if she does sleep all night will she be up at 5 AM instead of 7 AM and then her whole feeding and napping schedule will be thrown off? Yes, these are the things I think about in the middle of the night.
I wonder, is it just mothers who have super hearing or do dads too? I haven't heard of one yet...but you tell me!
The Beatles Booth At Bob's Big Boy
2 days ago
Yes, I have super-mommy-ear. And in addition to that, I hear phantom baby cries which really sucks. I thought that part would have gone away by now but no such luck.
As for Daddy ear, my husband had it while he was on paternity leave but its gone now that he is back on the road. Lucky...
Totally, I get the phantom crying too. And no, jeremy doesn't have super ears (at least not since week one home from the hospital). He sleeps through everything and Holden is still in the bassinet at the end of our bed!
I can attest to mommy super hearing. I am again losing the hearing in my right ear but mommy super hearing still trumps it. It's really the absence of noise that gets me riled up!
Turn off the monitor. You'll hear her when she needs you. It took me about a week to start sleeping through the night when they did. I totally know what you mean about phantom crying - I used to hear it all the time when I did nap and sleep training.
Yes, I've gotten the phantom crying too. I also have the mom version of Spidey-Sense, I call it Booby-Sense... When you wake up just before the baby wakes to be fed!
Wait until she talks in her sleep, that will freak you out. My DS1 has a tendency to talk in his sleep and it would scare me to death when I was quietly nursing DS2 in the middle of the night!! And I do not think Daddys have the same hearing as mommys at all.
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