Here are the other items I plan on packing in Cameron's bag:
- One extra outfit
- One extra pair of socks
- Pacifier
- Swaddle blanket
- Diapers
Should I have an extra onesie just in case? Is there anything else I might be missing? I will probably not be doing full days for the first week. More to ease me into it than Cameron!
The daycare feeds Cameron according to her own schedule which is nice except for two issues: she's picked up an extra feeding in the last week and I don't really know how much she eats off of me in general. I am planning to send 4 four ounce bottles with her with the hope that she only needs 3 of the four and I can do two feedings before bed. That is in addition to the middle of the night feeding and morning feeding. For other moms who breastfed before starting daycare is that enough ounces to send along with her? I will provide the daycare with a schedule but also leave it to their discretion/experience as Cameron needs.
The biggest plus to Cameron starting daycare a week before I go back to work is that I can nail down a routine for her and also have my days free. I need to figure out a good pumping schedule and do some shopping. I haven't tried on my work clothes yet, post-baby, and have a feeling I will need a few roomier outfits to get me started. Sigh. Apparently unlike the denizens of Hollywood breastfeeding isn't all I need to get back my pre-baby figure!

I would pack an extra outfit.
Also do they take the babies outside in a buggy? If so, I would add sunscreen and a hat, but check with day care on their rules. There are physical block sunscreens (zinc oxide based) that you can use on infants under 6 months old.
Also do you really believe celebrities only breastfeed to get back into shape?! hee hee
We gave 3 outfits and have already had them go through several rotations, but that is more about trial and error with cloth diapers at daycare than anything. Do you know what formula daycare provides for her if she needs it? And put her name on everything, including the bottles. She probably has a dedicated shelf or cubby, but just in case. Holden only gets 2-3 feeding at daycare on a typical day and 4-5 diaper changes.
I have heard this from other moms, provide the breastmilk in 2 oz portions (milk storage bags). They can always take out more to give her if she is hungry, but most daycares have rules from the health department about throwing out unused breastmilk after a certain amount of time, usually 1 hour. Wouldn't want you to waste any!
I would also add diaper cream to your list. Even with diligent diaper changing, diaper rash can happen.
I should maybe clarify, they have to throw out whatever is left in the bottle after an hour once they have tried to feed the baby. Did that make sense?
I would certainly pack extra onesies just in case. I always brought the BIG packs of diapers so that I didn't have to worry about them as often. I sent a lovey with both my children (something that I made sure had my smell on it). I also supplied the daycare with the biggest tube of diaper rash ointment I could find. One thing you might want to invest in are these neat little bands that you can order with Cameron's name on them that way the name doesn't wear off easily and the bottles of other children do not get confused. Here is a link.|1806023504 I loved these things and the great part about it is that they can also be used on sippy cups.
You will definitely want more than one extra outfit. I second the suggestions of diaper rash cream and a sun hat - while they may not take Cameron outside right away (I imagine it's a bit too hot in NC for them to take out the youngest babies), they will probably do so in the early fall, and that way you will already have the hat there.
What about a crib sheet? Do they provide those, or do you?
Also, I agree that you shouldn't bring in diapers every day - supply them with a large sleeve of diapers, and have them let you know a couple of days before it is due to run out so you can replenish.
A has it right. Bring the stuff in in bulk that way you do not need to remember it all in the rush out the door in the morning.
I just want to send along my "give it two weeks" (unsolicited) advice. A friend of mine who went back to work before me told me that. The first two weeks will be a huge emotional rollercoaster for both you and Cameron, and it'll take a couple of weeks to get into a new routine (aks your new normal). She told me to give it two weeks before I had a complete emotional meltdown. Best advice I ever got about going back to work. I cried almost every day during those two weeks, I think. Neve was a bit older (almost 7 months), so she "got it" that I was leaving her with essentially a stranger...and she cried...a lot...but after 2 weeks, she started smiling when I dropped her off, and now it's fantastic. Often the anxiety is worse than the real thing once you settle in to "new normal." (Right now I've got severe anxiety about going from 4 days back to work to 5 days...). Anyhow, that's it -- give it 2 weeks :) Good luck!
I have left breastmilk at daycare for 2 kids now. Our daycare has a freezer and we would just load them up with nearly all my stored milk at once. Then they'd thaw & use it as needed. I found that the milk bags store perfectly in Sterilite ice cube trays. Our parents bring in their kids' bottles 1 or 2x/week. Anything you have to bring daily makes it more difficult to get out of the house. Our daycare asks for 2 outfits, but we have a spitter-upper and drooler, so I usually bring 4 and restock every 6 weeks or so. They go through them. I also agree on bringing several pacis, a lovey and/or blanket and butt cream.
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